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Selenium Parallel testing with Maven and TestNG

I am trying to run my tests in parallel with Maven by using 2 xml files but it doesn't seem to work. I have tried the steps/parameters from the Maven documentation:

Below is my pom.xml file:


and this is the feature1.xml file:

<suite name="tests">
    <test name="feature1" group-by-instances="true">
        <parameter name="browser" value="chrome"/>
            <class name="testclass"/>

What parameters/changes I should make in order for this to work?

Thank you


  • I am posting the solution that I found and it worked after all:

    I have added this in the configuration node:


    Also the issue was that I was using a static WebDriver (Singleton class), the reason why the tests didn't run in sequence. I have made the method WebDriver public and instantiate it in every test class runner. Now the tests are running in parallel successfully.