I'm developping an app with Strapi as a backend and Next.js as a front-end.
In my frontend I have many links. They all are "syntaxed" like these exemples below. The problem is, on my browsers (Desktop and mobile) when I click on a link it doesn't show that the browser is charging the page but the page appears 2 seconds later. It will make an user think the website doesn't work.
How can I correct that ? It would be nice to have the probress bar /circle showing like this exemple:
Circle progress bar exemple on another website
<Box key={sectionPart.id} mx={20} className={`button button-${sectionPart.style}`}>
<Link href={sectionPart.url} >
<Box as="a">
//snipet of menu navigation
<Link key={retrieveLinkId(link)} /*href={link.url}*/ href="/">
<a className={router.pathname === retrieveLinkUrl(link) ? 'active' : ''}>
<Flex justifyContent="start" className="featured-content" >
{/*** featured content Image **/}
<Box className="link-featured-image-container">
<Image className="link-featured-image"
{/*** featured content title & button ***/}
<Box className="featured-content-links">
<Flex justifyContent="start" alignItems="start">
<p className="dropdown-section-item-title">
<Flex className="dropdown-section-cta" alignItems="flex-end">
Thank you !
You can use, Nprogress to have a progress bar during route navigation. Place the code below in your root app file
import React from 'react';
import Router from 'next/router';
import App, { Container } from 'next/app';
import NProgress from 'nprogress';
Router.onRouteChangeStart = () => {
Router.onRouteChangeComplete = () => {
Router.onRouteChangeError = () => {
// hanlde the rror
See the configuration section in the NProgress readme for addition config, if you want to add more functionality to it