I'm tried to annotate like @property but it is not right. Dokka does not recognise it
For example enum:
enum class Vegetables(val id: Int) {
You can take a look at the Kotlin documentation about how to put doc comments in the code.
You can place documentation wherever the thing you want to document is.
* Here goes your main Vegetables type doc.
* You can refer to the [id] constructor argument like this.
enum class Vegetables(
* Here goes the doc for your id constructor argument and property.
val id: Int
) {
* Here goes the doc for POTATO.
* Here goes the doc for CARROT.
* Here goes the doc for CUCUMBER.
Alternatively, you can also document properties from the class doc:
* Here goes your main Vegetables type doc.
* You can refer to the [id] constructor argument like this.
* @property id You can also document the id property this way
enum class Vegetables(val id: Int) {
// ...