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Nifi JoltTransformJSON spec for concatenating values based on condition

I have json input of form as shown below. It can also be empty like []

    "NAME": "Aron",
    "CITY": "NewYork",
    "PROV": "NY",
    "POSTALCODE": "12345",
    "DATE": "2021-08-19",
    "TIME": "14:25:25"
    "NAME": "Paul",
    "CITY": "Chicago",
    "PROV": "BI",
    "POSTALCODE": null,
    "DATE": "2021-08-19",
    "TIME": ""

I am writing NiFi JoltTransformJSON spec so my output will contain the JSON as

    "NAME" : "Aron",
    "Address" : "NewYork, NY, Pin: 12345",
    "DATE" : "2021-08-19",
    "TIME" : "14:25:25"
    "NAME" : "Paul",
    "Address" : "Chicago, BI",
    "DATE" : "2021-08-19",
    "TIME" :""

Basically it merges City, Prov, Postalcode and puts in new key Address. They are concatenated using , comma between them and also if Postalcode is not null it is concatenated in Address as Pin:. If everything (City, Prov, Postalcode) is null then Address will be empty like "Address":""

I am trying with shift followed by remove

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
     "@(1,CITY)": "",
      "*": "&"
    "operation": "remove",
    "spec": {
      "CITY": "",
      "PROV": "",
      "POSTALCODE" : "",

I have achieved this using SplitJSON, EvaluateJSONPath and UpdateAttribute. But I am trying this using JoltTransformJSON now. Is this achievable using JoltTransformJSON ?


  • You can consecutively use modify-overwrite-beta along with concat and size functions and shift transformations such that

        "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
        "spec": {
          "Address1": "=concat(@(1,CITY),',',@(1,PROV))",
          "Address2": "=concat(',Pin:',@(1,POSTALCODE))",
          "Addr2Size": "=size(@(1,Address2))",
          "Address": "=concat(@(1,Address1),@(1,Address2))"
        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "NAME": "[&1].&",                                
          "Addr2Size": {
              "5": {
                "@(2,Address1)": "[&3].Address"
              "*": {
                "@(2,Address)": "[&3].Address"
          "DATE": "[&1].&",
          "TIME": "[&1].&"  

    where size function is used to determine whether POSTALCODE value is null or not.