Was working on a new project today when I noticed this "Unknown" control type in the toolbox - I haven't seen this before. Does anyone know what this is?
This is the "RefEdit" control. When it's active, and using the mouse, it allows the user to select a cell, range of cells (by holding mouse or with Shift), or Multiple Ranges of Cells (with Ctrl). (arrow keys do not work). The selection can be on a different sheet to the one the control is on.
It returns a string that represents the range selected, I.e.
etc, respectively.
bettersolutions.com has probably the most info I can find on this.
As the user can type into this control, it Does Not necessarily return a Valid range!
Interestingly, the "Unknown" control type tooltip is probably because of https://peltiertech.com/unspecified-painfully-frustrating-error/ due to apparent general RefEdit flakiness: https://peltiertech.com/refedit-control-alternative/