Search code examples

Pass value one by one to the query condition and combine multiple rows

I want to get all the role_ids based on the permission id from the #permission table with the matching permissionId in the #source_audit table Value column.

And then combine all the role_id for a given permission_id in a single row.

Any help is much appreciated

create table #permission (
    [permission_id] char(6) not null
insert into #permission
create table #source_audit
    role_id int, 
    value nvarchar(max)
insert into #source_audit
    ( 2453, '{"PermissionId":-336, "ConstraintTypeId":7}'),
    ( 2003, '{"PermissionId":-336, "ConstraintTypeId":7}'),
    ( 2123, '{"PermissionId":-12016, "ConstraintTypeId":7}'),
    ( 2893, '{"PermissionId":-14567, "ConstraintTypeId":7}')

Query tried so far and not working

    select srae.*, x.Permission_Id
    from #source_audit as srae
    inner join #permission as x
        on srae.value like '%' + CONVERT(varchar(32), permission_id) + '%' 
        and srae.value like '%"ConstraintTypeId":7%'

Result Table

permission_id role_id
-336 2453, 2003
-12016 2123


  • Your #source_audit.value data is JSON, so we can use OPENJSON on it to pull out the values.

    It appears you want to match on absolute values of permission_id (ignoring negative sign).

      roles = STRING_AGG(s.role_id, ', ')
    FROM permission p
    JOIN source_audit s
        CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(s.value)
            WITH ( PermissionId int, ConstraintTypeId int ) j
      ON ABS(j.PermissionId) = ABS(p.permission_id) AND j.ConstraintTypeId = 7

    On SQL Server 2016 or earlier, you need to use the FOR XML method

      roles = STUFF((
          SELECT CONCAT(', ', s.role_id)
          FROM source_audit s
          CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(s.value)
            WITH ( PermissionId int, ConstraintTypeId int ) j
          WHERE ABS(j.PermissionId) = ABS(p.permission_id)
            AND j.ConstraintTypeId = 7
          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
        ).value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)'), 1, LEN(', '), '')
    FROM permission p;

    SQL Fiddle