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Spring Boot Getting Started Content import not completing

On Spring Tool Suite 4.11.1 I did the following:

  • File > New > Other > Spring Boot > Spring Starter Project
  • Filled the data on the screen (group, artifact...) and clicked Next
  • Left Spring Boot Version 2.5.4 selection
  • Selected: Rest Repositories, Spring Data JPA, Spring Web
  • Clicked Finish

Then it says "Import Getting Started Content (26%)" at the bottom right.

But it's been 1 hour and that percentage didn't change.

And if I check on Windows Explorer it is the same number of files from the begining (60).

I have done this process in the past and it takes just 5 minutes or so.

So it's clearly not working.

I don't get any error. It just stays at that percentage with the running green bar.

But it's not completing the process. Why is that?


  • Found a solution for this.

    On STS go to: Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections > Chage from Native to Manual or Direct.

    Did this and now it worked. Quickly completed the process.