I'm using button rows for the first time and I use
collector.on('collect', Button => {
For my buttons collector (on message with 3 rows of buttons), as I did before
But I suppose it should look somewhat different because it runs but doesnt recognize the button
When a button is clicked, it fires the "interactionCreate" event. So to filter the slash commands and the message components you should use:
client.on("interactionCreate", interaction => {
if (interaction.type == "APPLICATION_COMMAND") {
client.emit("slashCommand", interaction)
else if (interaction.type == "MESSAGE_COMPONENT") {
client.emit("clickButton", interaction)
And then you can just create that 2 collectors like this:
client.on("slashCommand", SlashCommand => {
//your code
client.on("clickButton", Button => {
//your code