I have a REST API POST request that takes multiple entries. These entries are extracted using PathSegment. The API is working but when I write a test case using Rest Assured, I am getting assertion failure. I am using JAX-RS and Jersey for the APIs.
I have gone through SO and some other forums for an answer but nothing satisfactory.
My REST API code is:
@Path("/order/{id}/{var1: items}/{var2: qty}")
public final String orderMultipleItems(@PathParam("var1") final PathSegment itemPs, @PathParam("var2") final PathSegment qtyPs,
@PathParam("id") final int id) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> items = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
//rest of the code
This is my rest assured code:
public final void testOrderMultipleItems() throws URISyntaxException, AssertionError {
String msg= given().contentType("application/json").when()
assertNotEquals("Order(s) Received", msg);
I am getting a 404 when testing but 200 when I run the POST request through curl. Am I making a mistake in the test case for my post request?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
When you send a request URI to the server using curl it submits as it is:
But, when you send URI through RestAssured (using post), RestAssured encodes special characters ';' to '%3B' and '=' to '%3D' and request URI becomes like this:
Which is not understandable to the server. That is the problem.
So, you can avoid this by using the following code before sending a request,
RestAssured.urlEncodingEnabled = false;
Hope this solves your problem.