I'm making an internationalized Angular application, so I implemented the MatLuxonDateModule for my MatDatepickers and it works fine. But I also want to use a Luxon pipe whenever I format a date instead of the built-in date pipe so it works consistently in all browsers and cultures.
I made one that works fine:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DateTime, DateTimeFormatOptions } from 'luxon';
name: 'dateFormat',
export class LuxonDatePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: DateTime | Date, format: DateTimeFormatOptions = DateTime.DATE_SHORT): any {
let dateTimeToUse: DateTime;
if (value instanceof Date) {
dateTimeToUse = DateTime.fromJSDate(value);
} else {
dateTimeToUse = value;
return dateTimeToUse.toLocaleString(format);
Now I want to use it in the HTML template, like this:
{{ testDate | dateFormat: DateTime.DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY }}
...but it doesn't know what "DateTime" is. I can solve this by changing it to:
{{ testDate | dateFormat: formatToUse }}
...but then I have to declare a property like this in the .ts file every time I need to format a date:
formatToUse: DateTimeFormatOptions = DateTime.DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY;
This is really cumbersome. Is there a way to "import" Luxon in the template so I can reference DateTime
Edit: I suppose I could change the param to a string and add a huge switch case to the pipe to map to the Luxon formats, but that seems less than ideal.
Try this:
change your pipe:
export class LuxonDatePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: DateTime | Date, format: string = 'DATE_SHORT'): any {
let dateTimeToUse: DateTime;
if (value instanceof Date) {
dateTimeToUse = DateTime.fromJSDate(value);
} else {
dateTimeToUse = value;
return dateTimeToUse.toLocaleString((<any>DateTime)[format]);
and use your pipe like this:
{{ testDate | dateFormat: 'DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY' }}