I Have been using Azure blob storage 12.5.0 to develop a java application for talking to blob storage. Everything was working fine but suddenly now when i compile my maven project it says dependency not found. Going through this link for 12.5.0, I now get a page not found error. I am struggling to understand why this dependency was suddenly removed or is this some backend issue? Apparently all dependencies below 12.6.0 now give me not found error.
I cannot use 12.7.0 and beyond because that has an internal dependency on reactor core version >=3.3.5 and my project is running on reactor core 3.3.2 and upgrading it is not an option right now.
This is how I am using this dependency in my project. Nothing fancy here though. Would be great if someone can fill me in on what's going on here.
This is related to this https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-72181 It was an exceptional case due to the complexity of the data loss.