Search code examples

Get Mappings for type with Elastic Search high level rest client

I've upgraded Elastic search from "2.3.4" to "7.10.0". I wanna upgrade existing code of getting mapping for a specific index and type. Please refer below code(old and new).

old code(2.3.4):

Map<String, Object> mappingMeta = client.admin().indices().prepareGetMappings("index1").get().mappings().get("index1").get("type1").getSourceAsMap();

new code(7.10.0):

GetMappingsRequest mappingsRequest = new GetMappingsRequest();
GetMappingsResponse mappingsResponse = client.indices().getMapping(mappingsRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
Map<String, Object> mappingMeta = mappingsResponse.mappings().get("index1").getSourceAsMap();

In new code changes, i can get mappings only for an index. How to get mappings for a type("type1" in old code) in ES 7.10.0?


  • After some R&D found that We can get field mappings for an index in ES 7.x versions but can't for a type as Types are deprecated in APIs in 7.0.

    ES(Before 6.7) GetMapping For Index and Type:

    ImmutableOpenMap<String, ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData>> allMappings = getMappingResponse.mappings();
    MappingMetaData typeMapping = allMappings.get("index_name").get("type_name");
    Map<String, Object> mapping = typeMapping.sourceAsMap();

    ES 7.x GetMapping Only for Index:

    Map<String, MappingMetadata> allMappings = getMappingResponse.mappings();
    MappingMetadata indexMapping = allMappings.get("index_name");
    Map<String, Object> mapping = indexMapping.sourceAsMap();