I'm trying to make "yes" in green color bar "no" in red color bar.. but with the code below only turn the words into green/red.. i tried doing x ~ formattable::style(color_bar = ifelse(x == "yes", "green"
but it does not work that way..
YesNo = formattable::color_bar("red")
with this code I get this output.. but i'm trying to get "yes" in green and "no" in red..
df = data.frame(YesNo = c("yes","no","yes","no"),
Numbers = c(4, 5, 10, 10))
rownames(df) = c("Test1","Test2","Test3","Test4")
sign_formatter <- formattable::formatter("span",
style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(x == "yes", "green",
ifelse(x == "no", "red", "green"))))
We could create a condition in background-color
and pass that in formattable
color_formatter <- formattable::formatter(
style = x ~ style(
color = 'white',
'background-color' =
ifelse(x == "yes", "green", "red")
formattable::formattable(df, list(
YesNo = color_formatter,
Numbers = formattable::color_tile("transparent","lightgreen")))