I'm running a MongoDB aggregation where the last stage is a $merge
that writes some field to another collection. Basically, this $merge should make an effect only on a single document (this is why we have on: "_id"
Here's how I do it with Java:
var merge = Aggregation.merge().intoCollection("items")
var agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(match, group, merge);
var aggResult = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, "prices", Item.class);
The aggregation does what it needs and I can see that the requested document has changed, but the problem is that aggregate()
returns all the documents in the collection.
This is a major drawback and can't scale well when the collection is large enough.
How can I change my query so it will return only the changed document. Or if not possible, just apply the query without returning anything.
Found the answer and will share for future readers:
mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation.withOptions(newAggregationOptions().skipOutput().allowDiskUse(true).build()), "collectionNme", EntityClass.class);