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How to convert a record of strings to floats in elm

I have a record that is supplied by the user:

type alias Model =
  { age : String,
    weight : String,
    height : String,
    appetite : String

I want to convert it to numbers:

type alias FloatModel =
  { age : Float,
    weight : Float,
    height : Float,
    appetite : Float

My struggle is that String.toFloat might return Nothing if the user entered bad data. So I guess I want a Maybe FloatModel to handle bad data. How can I call String.toFloat on each member, and if they're all successful return Just FloatModel and if not return Nothing?


  • If you want to retain the integrity of FloatModel, so that all fields are Float values, you could have a function which takes a Model and returns a Maybe FloatModel, which succeeds only when all fields can be parsed.

    This could be done by mapping over each of the fields, so that a single failure will "bubble up" and cause the function to return Nothing.

    deserializeModel : Model -> Maybe FloatModel
    deserializeModel { age, weight, height, appetite } =
        Maybe.map4 FloatModel
            (String.toFloat age)
            (String.toFloat weight)
            (String.toFloat height)
            (String.toFloat appetite)