Search code examples

How do I disable and enable comboBox in WPF based on some other process?

I have a situation in which I have to dither combo box while some process is being completed.

This snippet is of the Combo Box XAML (ItemSearchView.XAML)..

    <StackPanel Margin="2.5">
        <Label Content="{x:Static local:StringResources.LBL_FILL_LOC}" Target=" 
        {Binding ElementName=CboFillLoc}"/>
        <ComboBox x:Name="CboFillLoc" IsEnabled="{Binding IsComboEnabled}"
         ItemsSource="{Binding Locations}" SelectedItem="{Binding 
         SelectedLocation, Mode=TwoWay}" Padding="2.5"/>

This is the method where combo box need to dithered at the beginning and needs to be enabled at the end.

    private async void FetchItems()
             do something

The purpose for this is that whenever a user is searching for the items manually, I have to restrict the user to perform other processes until all the items are loaded properly.

I am not able to achieve this since I am very new to WPF. Any suggestions or help will be highly appreciable.


  • Hope I understood you issue correctly. You could declare a boolean property and bind it to IsEnabled Property of the ComboBox.

    For example,in your ViewModel

    private bool _isComboEnabled;
    public bool IsComboEnabled
        if(_isComboEnabled==value) return;
        _isComboEnabled = value;

    In Xaml, you could now

    <ComboBox x:Name="cboFillLoc" IsEnabled={Binding IsComboEnabled}.../>

    Now each time you want to invoke the SearchItemManually method, you could ensure the ComboEnabled flag is turned off and turn it on again at the end of the method.