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How to start and stop timer display in ReactJS

I am trying to create a Pomodoro timer in ReactJS. I am having trouble having the timer to stop it's countdown.


const PomView = () => {
    const [timer, setTimer] = useState(1500)    // 25 minutes
    const [start, setStart] = useState(false)
    var firstStart = useRef(true)
    var tick;

    useEffect( () => {
        if (firstStart.current) {
            console.log("first render, don't run useEffect for timer")
            firstStart.current = !firstStart.current

        console.log("subsequent renders")
        if (start) {
            tick = setInterval(() => {
            setTimer(timer => {
                timer = timer - 1
                return timer       
        }, 1000)
    } else {
        console.log("clear interval")
    }, [start])

    const toggleStart = () => {

    const dispSecondsAsMins = (seconds) => {
        // 25:00 
        console.log("seconds " + seconds)
        const mins = Math.floor(seconds / 60)
        const seconds_ = seconds % 60
        return mins.toString() + ":" + ((seconds_ == 0) ? "00" : seconds_.toString())

    return (
        <div className="pomView">
                <button className="pomBut">Pomodoro</button>
                <button className="pomBut">Short Break</button>
                <button className="pomBut">Long Break</button>
            <div className="startDiv">
                {/* event handler onClick is function not function call */}
                <button className="startBut" onClick={toggleStart}>{!start ? "START" : "STOP"}</button>
                {start && <AiFillFastForward className="ff" onClick="" />}

export default PomView

Although the clearInterval runs in the else portion of useEffect, the timer continues ticking. I am not sure if it is because of the asynchronous setTimer method in useEffect. I would like to know what the problem is with the code I have written.


  • You store the timer ref in tick, but each time the component rerenders the tick value from the previous render is lost. You should also store tick as a React ref.

    You are also mutating the timer state.

    setTimer((timer) => {
      timer = timer - 1; // mutation
      return timer;

    Just return the current value minus 1: setTimer((timer) => timer - 1);


    const PomView = () => {
      const [timer, setTimer] = useState(1500); // 25 minutes
      const [start, setStart] = useState(false);
      const firstStart = useRef(true);
      const tick = useRef(); // <-- React ref
      useEffect(() => {
        if (firstStart.current) {
          firstStart.current = !firstStart.current;
        if (start) {
          tick.current = setInterval(() => { // <-- set tick ref current value
            setTimer((timer) => timer - 1);
          }, 1000);
        } else {
          clearInterval(tick.current); // <-- access tick ref current value
        return () => clearInterval(tick.current); // <-- clear on unmount!
      }, [start]);

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