I need to get a total time in the greyed out box on my form. Image includes formula for your reference. What I have entered is not computing anything.
Do not total the strings, instead do an array type formula like:
To get the value.
Then in your formula replace all the H10:H27
with SUM(IFERROR(F10:F27-D10:D27,0))
=INT(SUM(IFERROR(F10:F27-D10:D27,0)))&" Days "&HOUR(MOD(SUM(IFERROR(F10:F27-D10:D27,0)),1))&" Hrs "&MINUTE(MOD(SUM(IFERROR(F10:F27-D10:D27,0)),1))&" Mins"
Depending one's version this may need to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.