This code currently takes the unique ID from the form response and puts it as the folder name where all the uploaded file goes to. I want to change the code so that it takes a text field from the Google Form response for organized view, such as First Name_Last Name.
const PARENT_FOLDER_ID = "2ih2384723847234878h23jkbi2j3b4ijb23i4bhwed34f";
const initialize = () => {
const form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
const onFormSubmit = ({ response } = {}) => {
try {
// Get a list of all files uploaded with the response
const files = response
// We are only interested in File Upload type of questions
(itemResponse) =>
itemResponse.getItem().getType().toString() === "FILE_UPLOAD"
.map((itemResponse) => itemResponse.getResponse())
// The response includes the file ids in an array that we can flatten
.reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], []);
if (files.length > 0) {
// Each form response has a unique Id
const subfolderName = response.getId();
const parentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(PARENT_FOLDER_ID);
const subfolder = parentFolder.createFolder(subfolderName);
files.forEach((fileId) => {
// Move each file into the custom folder
} catch (f) {
Let's say the names are the first and second questions.
/* ... */
const n = response.getItemResponses().slice(0, 2)
const fn = n[0].getResponse();
const ln = n[1].getResponse();
/* ... */
const subfolderName = `${fn}_${ln}`;
/* ... */