I am looking for information about that in the internet but with no success. The goal is to realize a sort of dataset of 10 subject (sub_1, sub_2... sub_10), each of them has done 3 kind of activities (walk, run, jump) for three time each (trial_1... trial_3) with relative scores. I would like to access these information like:
variable = dataset.sub_1.jump.trial_2.score;
or, at least:
variable = dataset.sub[0].task[2].trial[1].score;
So, the structure would be a tree structure. Until now I only realized a structure with "parallel fields":
struct dataset
public string[] sub; // 1 to 10 subjects
public string[] task; // 1 to 3 tasks
public string[] trial; // 1 to 3 trials
public int score; // the score of the above combination
Any idea?
This problem can be solved in many ways. My solution has one drawback, there is no check if user exceeded Score arrays capacity.
I guess database tag has nothing to do with this question
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp
public abstract class Task
public string Name { get; set; }
public int TotalScore { get { return Score.Sum(); } }
public int[] Score { get; set; } = new int[3];
public class Walk : Task { }
public class Run : Task { }
public class Jump : Task { }
public class Subject
public Walk Walk { get; set; } = new();
public Run Run { get; set; } = new();
public Jump Jump { get; set; } = new();
public int TotalScore { get { return Walk.TotalScore + Run.TotalScore + Jump.TotalScore; }}
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var subject = new Subject();
// Adding score to specific trials
subject.Run.Score[0] = 50;
subject.Run.Score[1] = 40;
subject.Run.Score[2] = 60;
subject.Jump.Score[0] = 40;
subject.Jump.Score[1] = 80;
subject.Jump.Score[2] = 100;
// Output score of 1. trial for Walk task
// Output total score as a sum of all trials for Jump task
// Output total score as a sum of all trials in all tasks
// ERROR CASE: this will be exception
subject.Jump.Score[3] = 100;