I'm running a small website. I have an ajax shoutbox.
I have 3 different user class on my website, and on the shoutbox they have a different colors so people know whos who.
I made a supporter class too but thats not an user class, I can select if the user a supporter by checking a radio button yes or no.
And I would like to if the radio is checked yes a small image would appear after the users name.
With php I made it like this for just a test:
if(isset($GLOBALS['user']['supporter'])) {
$support = 'the image here';
My question is: is it possible to make this in jquery?
For like:
if($('global here') == 'supporter') {
$('class here').after('the image');
Can some one please give me a hint?
Well first you would need to get the value of your checked radio.
supporter = $('#radioButton:checked').val();
Then just execute the code as you have written it assuming that the value of the yes checkbox is '1'...
if($(supporter == '1')) {
$('.myClass').after('your markup');
Is this what you are looking for?