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Arrange graphs orderly in worksheet using vba

I want to arrange the 8 charts that I pasted in a destination worksheet (from two destination ws).
How can I oganize the charts such that they paste next to each other (left top:L7) in two rows? I have 2 times 4 charts in my "source" ws, but the last chart seems to be missing at the destination ws when I run the macro (so I actually only have 7 charts)

Thank you

    Dim OutSht As Worksheet
    Dim Chart As ChartObject
    Dim PlaceInRange As Range

    Set OutSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Guide") '<~~ Output sheet
    Set PlaceInRange = OutSht.Range("B2:J21")        '<~~ Output location

    'Loop charts
    For Each Chart In Sheets("Output").ChartObjects
        'Copy/paste charts
        OutSht.Paste PlaceInRange
    Next Chart

    For Each Chart In Sheets("Uddybet").ChartObjects
        'Copy/paste charts
        OutSht.Paste PlaceInRange
    Next Chart


  • I am not quite sure if this is what you are looking for!

    I looked for the cells where the charts are and then set the next chart position according to these.

    It's possible to simplify the code, but I leave it to you!

    Sub getCharts()
        Dim wsOutp As Worksheet: Set wsOutp = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Guide")
        Dim wsSrc1 As Worksheet: Set wsSrc1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Output")
        Dim wsSrc2 As Worksheet: Set wsSrc2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Uddybet")
        Dim x As Object
        Dim xTopLeftCellRow As Long, xBottomRightCellRow As Long
        Dim xTopLeftCellCol As Long, xBottomRightCellCol As Long
        Dim xDiffCols As Long
        Dim xRng As Range
        Dim aCell As Range: Set aCell = wsOutp.[B2]
        ' Loop on sheet Output
        For Each x In wsSrc1.ChartObjects
            xTopLeftCellRow = x.TopLeftCell.Row
            xTopLeftCellCol = x.TopLeftCell.Column
            xBottomRightCellRow = x.BottomRightCell.Row
            xBottomRightCellCol = x.BottomRightCell.Column
            xDiffCols = xBottomRightCellCol - xTopLeftCellCol + 1
            ' Chart range
            Set xRng = Range(Cells(xTopLeftCellRow, xTopLeftCellCol), Cells(xBottomRightCellRow, xBottomRightCellCol))
            ' Move Chart
            ' Next chart position
            Set aCell = aCell.Offset(0, xDiffCols)
        ' Loop on sheet Uddybet
        For Each x In wsSrc2.ChartObjects
            xTopLeftCellRow = x.TopLeftCell.Row
            xTopLeftCellCol = x.TopLeftCell.Column
            xBottomRightCellRow = x.BottomRightCell.Row
            xBottomRightCellCol = x.BottomRightCell.Column
            xDiffCols = xBottomRightCellCol - xTopLeftCellCol + 1
            ' Chart range
            Set xRng = Range(Cells(xTopLeftCellRow, xTopLeftCellCol), Cells(xBottomRightCellRow, xBottomRightCellCol))
            ' Move Chart
            ' Next chart position
            Set aCell = aCell.Offset(0, xDiffCols)
    End Sub