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How correctly fetch data by id using React mobx lite?

I wrote some code with MOBX! Now I have an input field and I take that value and send that string to API and fetching data! afterward, I get data from the store but it doesn't refreshing when I write new city in input! I want to add city in input and display weather data immediately!!!!

here is my code on CodeSandbox:


  • You need to add makeObservable call inside your store constructor:

      constructor() {
        // = '';
        this.weathers = [];
        this.fetchingData = false;

    See this answer for more details: mobx-react observer don't fires when I set observable

    Also, change API link to https: const BASEURL = "";

    Also, assigning API response to weathers does not make sense, because your weathers property is an array. You need to push object to it, like that:

        runInAction(() => {
          // That way every new weather response will be added to your array
          this.fetchingData = false;