I would like the TextStyle / fontSize to simplify my app.
for this it would be necessary to make the line "
fontSize: Get.width * .030,
" of the attached code available, similar to the color "
{Color color = Colors.white}
This is the code I want to customize ...
TextStyle _textStyle({Color color = Colors.white}) {
return GoogleFonts.getFont(
'Unica One',
fontSize: Get.width * .030,
color: color,
letterSpacing: 0.5,
And it should look something like that, but unfortunately I don't know exactly how to put it together correctly
TextStyle _textStyle({Color color = Colors.white}{FontSize fontSize = Get.width * .030}) {
return GoogleFonts.getFont(
'Unica One',
fontSize: fontSize,
color: color,
letterSpacing: 0.5,
Text class with style,
class StoryText extends Text {
StoryText(String title, {Color mColor, double mFontSize})
: super(title,
style: GoogleFonts.getFont(
'Unica One',
fontSize: mFontSize,
color: mColor,
letterSpacing: 0.5,
// Use of above class
StoryText('title', mColor: Colors.red, mFontSize: Get.width * .030,),