I have a WCF service that contains a number of operation contracts. When the number of these operations was too many, I get an error in wcftestclient
for binding service. When I split this service into two services this problem is solved.
What is the problem? Is there a limitation for number of operation contracts in WCF services?
I'm not aware of a limit on the number of operation contracts for the WCF Test Client, but in general it is considered good practice to limit the number of operation contracts in any given service to a small number (I think Juval Lowry recommends about 12 in his book).
The WCF Test Client doesn't support all features of WCF - could it be that one or more of your operations is using something that isn't supported?
Types: Stream, Message, XmlElement, XmlAttribute, XmlNode, types that implement the IXmlSerializable interface, including the related XmlSchemaProviderAttribute attribute, and the XDocument and XElement types and the ADO.NET DataTable type.
Duplex contract.
Security: CardSpace , Certificate, and Username/Password.
Bindings: WSFederationbinding, any Context bindings and Https binding, WebHttpbinding (Json response message support).
Taken from WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe)