I'm using Spring WebSocket server implementation for one of my spring based projects. I faced an error saying The remote endpoint was in state [TEXT_PARTIAL_WRITING] which is invalid state
. I found out the problem is writing to websocket from different threads at same time.
How I temporarily fixed it: Consider I have implemented below method
void sendMessageToSession(WebsocketSession session,String message);
which sends a TextMessage to websocket session. I cant make this whole method synchronized because multiple threads can call it for different websocketSessions and messages. I also cant put session in synchronized block (tried and didn't work)
Although, I fixed my problem like this
//sending message;
and I no longer faced that issue. But it does not seem to be good practice to use Strings in synchronized blocks. So what other solutions do I have? whats best way to send asynchronous messages?
PS: I already used ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator
after connection established, and I am using the updated websocket. didn't help.
session = new ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator(session, (int) StaticConfig.MAXIMUM_WS_ASYNC_SEND_TIMEOUT, StaticConfig.MAXIMUM_WS_BINARY_BUFFER_SIZE * 2);
NOTE I persist my websocet sessions in a map, where key is session.getId and value is session itself.
Unlike some other websocket implementations, Spring websocket references are not seem to be equal on each message. I saved sessions in a map by their ID, and on each message I check equality of the passed websocket with the websocket I already put on my map, its false.
ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator works like a charm in multithreading, it is designed for it. You may have a problem in your map implementation.
sample code :
private final Map<String, SessionData> sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception
// Use the following will crash :
//sessions.put(session.getId(), new SessionData(session));
// Use ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator is safe :
sessions.put(session.getId(), new SessionData(new ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator (session, 2000, 4096)));
public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception
super.afterConnectionClosed(session, status);
public void send(WebSocketSession session, String msg) throws MessagingException {
try {
session.sendMessage (new TextMessage(msg));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new MessagingException(ex.getMessage());
To test easily the behaviour in multithreading :
public void sendMT(WebSocketSession session, String msg) throws MessagingException{
for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
new Thread(){
public void run(){
send (session, msg);