I am working on an existing application, it has too many unused files or widgets, I need to find all and cleanup the codes
How can I find unused files/widgets in flutter/dart environment? I am using android studio as my IDE
2023/08/23, as commented by Tommy Chang and others, The GitHub package has been discontinued and is no longer supported. At the moment, it is only available as a paid service, costing $8 per month. However, as of right now, it still functions but limits your project to older package versions.
Dart code metrics: https://pub.dev/packages/dart_code_metrics supports finding unused files for Flutter.
flutter pub add --dev dart_code_metrics
run "flutter packages get" or use your IDE to "Pub get".
dart run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-files lib
Unused file: lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart
Unused file: lib/ux/Pdf/makepdfdocument.dart
Unused file: lib/ux/RealEstate/realestatetable.dart
Total unused files: 11
How to find unused dart or flutter files (Medium)
Introduction to dart-code-metrics (Medium)
Code-metrics can also give insight in: