I'm using Svelte and Strapi for the project. Here is a simplified version of my problem:
The json where I want to send my PUT request. (localhost:1337/shapes/1
id: 1,
name: 'square',
colors: {
red: false,
blue: false,
green: false
The toggle buttons in svelte template:
{#each shapes as shape}
<div on:click={toggleColor(shape, "red")}>red</div>
<div on:click={toggleColor(shape, "blue")}>blue</div>
<div on:click={toggleColor(shape, "green")}>green</div>
The toggle function (see comments to find what's missing):
function toggleColor(shape, color) {
let index = shapes.indexOf(shape);
axios.put(`http://localhost:1337/shapes/${shape.id}`, {
// How to write this part to toggle a color?
// The commented code below doesn't work as it doesn't set a color without
// reseting others siblings
// colors: {
// [color]: shape.colors[color] ? false : true
// }
.then((res) => {
coins[index].colors[color] = res.data.colors[color];
.catch((err) => {
To understand more clearly what happens with this version, it returns this response if I click on blue button
then red button
id: 1,
name: 'square',
colors: {
red: true,
blue: null,
green: null
Expected response:
id: 1,
name: 'square',
colors: {
red: true,
blue: true,
green: false
You was almost there. The following code:
colors: {
[color]: shape.colors[color] ? false : true
...will redefine colors
as an object with only a single color in it. To also get the previous colors, use the spread syntax like:
colors: {
[color]: shape.colors[color] ? false : true