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Where's the 3-way Git merge driver for .PO (gettext) files?

I already have following

[attr]POFILE merge=merge-po-files

locale/*.po POFILE

in the .gitattributes and I'd like to get merging of branches to work correctly when the same localization file (e.g. locale/en.po) has been modified in paraller branches. I'm currently using following merge driver:

# git merge driver for .PO files (gettext localizations)
# Install:
# git config merge.merge-po-files.driver "./bin/merge-po-files %A %O %B"


# rename to bit more meaningful filenames to get better conflict results
cp "${1}" "$LOCAL"
cp "${2}" "$BASE"
cp "${3}" "$REMOTE"

# merge files and overwrite local file with the result
msgcat "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" -o "${1}" || exit 1

# cleanup
rm -f "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"

# check if merge has conflicts
fgrep -q '#-#-#-#-#' "${1}" && exit 1

# if we get here, merge is successful
exit 0

However, the msgcat is too dumb and this is not a true three way merge. For example, if I have

  1. BASE version

    msgid "foo"
    msgstr "foo"
  2. LOCAL version

    msgid "foo"
    msgstr "bar"
  3. REMOTE version

    msgid "foo"
    msgstr "foo"

I'll end up with a conflict. However, a true three way merge driver would output correct merge:

msgid "foo"
msgstr "bar"

Note that I cannot simply add --use-first to msgcat because the REMOTE could contain the updated translation. In addition, if BASE, LOCAL and REMOTE are all unique, I still want a conflict, because that would really be a conflict.

What do I need to change to make this work? Bonus points for less insane conflict marker than '#-#-#-#-#', if possible.


  • Here's yet another answer from year 2021. I'm nowadays using following merge driver and this seem to work correctly for all cases I've tested. I have this stored as ./bin/merge-po-files in our repository.

    # Three-way merge driver for PO files, runs on multiple CPUs where possible
    # Copyright 2015-2016 Marco Ciampa
    # Copyright 2021 Mikko Rantalainen <[email protected]>
    # License: MIT (
    # Original source:
    # Install with
    # git config merge.merge-po-files.driver "./bin/merge-po-files %A %O %B %P"
    # Note that you also need file `.gitattributes` with following lines:
    # [attr]POFILE merge=merge-po-files
    # locale/*.po POFILE
    # CONFIG:
    # Formatting flags to be be used to produce merged .po files
    # This can be set to match project needs for the .po files.
    # NOTE: $MSGCAT_FINAL_FLAGS will be passed to msgcat without quotation
    MSGCAT_FINAL_FLAGS="--no-wrap --sort-output"
    # Verbosity level:
    # 0: Silent except for real errors
    # 1: Show simple header for each file processed
    # 2: Also show all conflicts in merge result (both new and existing)
    # 3: Also show all status messages with timestamps
    # Implementation:
    # Use logical names for arguments:
    # The temporary directory for all files we need - note that most files are
    # created without extensions to emit nicer conflict messages where gettext
    # likes to embed the basename of the file in the conflict message so we
    # use names like "local" and "other" instead of e.g. "local.G2wZ.po".
    TEMP="$(mktemp -d /tmp/merge-po.XXXXXX)"
    # abort on any error and report the details if possible
    set -E
    set -e
        local parent_lineno="$1"
        local message="$3"
        local code="$2"
        if [[ -n "$message" ]] ; then
            printf "### $0: error near line %d: status %d: %s\n" "${parent_lineno}" "${code}" "${message}" 1>&2
            printf "### $0: error near line %d: status %d\n" "${parent_lineno}" "${code}" 1>&2
        exit 255
    trap 'on_error ${LINENO} $?' ERR
    # Maybe print message(s) to stdout with timestamps
    function status()
        if test "$VERBOSITY" -ge 3
            printf "%s %s\n" "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N')" "$@"
    # Quietly take translations from $1 and apply those according to template $2
    # (and do not use fuzzy-matching, always generate output)
    # also supports all flags to msgmerge
    function apply_po_template()
        msgmerge --force-po --quiet --no-fuzzy-matching "$@"
    # Take stdin, remove the "graveyard strings" and emit the result to stdout
    function strip_graveyard()
        msgattrib --no-obsolete
    # Take stdin, keep only confict lines and emit the result to stdout
    function only_conflicts()
        msggrep --msgstr -F -e '#-#-#-#-#' -
        # alternative slightly worse implementation: msgattrib --only-fuzzy
    # Take stdin, discard confict lines and emit the result to stdout
    function without_conflicts()
        msggrep -v --msgstr -F -e '#-#-#-#-#' -
        # alternative slightly worse implementation: msgattrib --no-fuzzy
    # Select messages from $1 that are also in $2 but whose contents have changed
    # and emit results to stdout
    function extract_changes()
        # Extract conflicting changes and discard any changes to graveyard area only
        msgcat -o - "$1" "$2" \
        | only_conflicts \
        | apply_po_template -o - "$1" - \
        | strip_graveyard
    # Emit only the header of $1, supports flags of msggrep
    function extract_header()
        # Unfortunately gettext really doesn't support extracting just header
        # so we have to get creative: extract only strings that originate
        # from file called "//" which should result to header only
         msggrep --force-po -N // "$@"
        # Logically msggrep --force-po -v -K -E -e '.' should return the header
        # only but msggrep seems be buggy with msgids with line feeds and output
        # those, too
    # Take file in $1 and show conflicts with colors in the file to stdout
    function show_conflicts()
        # Count number of lines to remove from the output and output conflict lines without the header
        CONFLICT_HEADER_LINES=$(cat "$OUTPUT" | msggrep --force-po --color=never --msgstr -F -e '#-#-#-#-#' - | extract_header - | wc -l)
        # tail wants line number of the first displayed line so we want +1 here:
        CONFLICTS=$(cat "$OUTPUT" | msggrep --force-po --color --msgstr -F -e '#-#-#-#-#' - | tail -n "+$((CONFLICT_HEADER_LINES+1))")
        if test -n "$CONFLICTS"
            #echo "----------------------------"
            #echo "Conflicts after merge:"
            echo "----------------------------"
            printf "%s\n" "$CONFLICTS"
            echo "----------------------------"
    # Sanity check that we have a sensible temporary directory
    test -n "$TEMP" || exit 125
    test -d "$TEMP" || exit 126
    test -w "$TEMP" || exit 127
    if test "$VERBOSITY" -ge 1
        printf "Using gettext .PO merge driver: %s ...\n" "$FILENAME"
    # Extract the PO header from the current branch (top of file until first empty line)
    extract_header -o "${TEMP}/header" "$LOCAL"
    # Following parts can be run partially parallel and "wait" is used to syncronize processing
    # Clean input files and use logical filenames for possible conflict markers:
    status "Canonicalizing input files ..."
    msguniq --force-po -o "${TEMP}/base" --unique "${BASE}" &
    msguniq --force-po -o "${TEMP}/local" --unique "${LOCAL}" &
    msguniq --force-po -o "${TEMP}/other" --unique "${OTHER}" &
    status "Computing local-changes, other-changes and unchanged ..."
    msgcat --force-po -o - "${TEMP}/base" "${TEMP}/local" "${TEMP}/other" | without_conflicts > "${TEMP}/unchanged" &
    extract_changes "${TEMP}/local" "${TEMP}/base" > "${TEMP}/local-changes" &
    extract_changes "${TEMP}/other" "${TEMP}/base" > "${TEMP}/other-changes" &
    # Messages changed on both local and other (conflicts):
    status "Computing conflicts ..."
    msgcat --force-po -o - "${TEMP}/other-changes" "${TEMP}/local-changes" | only_conflicts > "${TEMP}/conflicts"
    # Messages changed on local, not on other; and vice-versa:
    status "Computing local-only and other-only changes ..."
    msgcat --force-po -o "${TEMP}/local-only"  --unique "${TEMP}/local-changes"  "${TEMP}/conflicts" &
    msgcat --force-po -o "${TEMP}/other-only" --unique "${TEMP}/other-changes" "${TEMP}/conflicts" &
    # Note: following steps require sequential processing and cannot be run in parallel
    status "Computing initial merge without template ..."
    # Note that we may end up with some extra so we have to apply template later
    msgcat --force-po -o "${TEMP}/merge1" "${TEMP}/unchanged" "${TEMP}/conflicts" "${TEMP}/local-only" "${TEMP}/other-only"
    # Create a template to only output messages that are actually needed (union of messages on local and other create the template!)
    status "Computing template and applying it to merge result ..."
    msgcat --force-po -o - "${TEMP}/local" "${TEMP}/other" | apply_po_template -o "${TEMP}/merge2" "${TEMP}/merge1" -
    # Final merge result is merge2 with original header
    status "Fixing the header after merge ..."
    msgcat --force-po $MSGCAT_FINAL_FLAGS -o "${TEMP}/merge3" --use-first "${TEMP}/header" "${TEMP}/merge2"
    # Produce output file (overwrites input LOCAL file because git expects that for the results)
    status "Saving output ..."
    mv "${TEMP}/merge3" "$OUTPUT"
    status "Cleaning up ..."
    rm "${TEMP}"/*
    rmdir "${TEMP}"
    status "Checking for conflicts in the result ..."
    # Check for conflicts in the final merge
    if grep -q '#-#-#-#-#' "$OUTPUT"
        if test "$VERBOSITY" -ge 1
            printf "### Conflict(s) detected ###\n"
        if test "$VERBOSITY" -ge 2
            # Verbose diagnostics
            show_conflicts "$OUTPUT"
        status "Automatic merge failed, exiting with status 1."
        exit 1
    status "Automatic merge completed successfully, exiting with status 0."
    exit 0

    This variant is based on version in the answer by @mezis in this same question but it has following improvements:

    • Run on multiple CPUs in parallel where possible (distributing to multiple CPUs is done by running multiple pipelines in the background with & and then syncronizing all parallel pipelines later with wait. The final merge requires sequential code so that's running on one CPU core only. The merge speed seems to be around 1 MB/s of .PO input given.
    • Add lots of documentation.
    • Add configurable variable at the start to define the final gettext file format. In the example above, the default config is --no-wrap --sort-output.
    • Use logical names without file extensions for all the temporary files so that gettext merge conflicts are easier to understand.
    • Use new git option %P in the merge driver to pass the correct filename as a parameter. This is required for the case where the merged file contents match another file in the project - the older code that matched on file contents SHA-1 could print wrong filename in such cases. Note that the %P must be used in the git config (see documentation at the start of the file).
    • Avoids using perl, awk or sed for modifying or even reading gettext files - just gettext tools. The optional part uses grep, tail and wc to show verbose conflicts to stdout only but that doesn't handle the real data in the output files.
    • Correctly merges cases where different plural forms have changes (the merge will result in conflict in that translation but nothing should be lost).
    • Note that if you have merge conflicts in the graveyard (the lines starting with #~ those conflicts will be silently dropped instead of trying to merge such cases). Non-conflicting graveyard data will be preserved.
    • Note that this doesn't try to do any fuzzy matching before or after the merge. Sometimes this could improve the results but it depends on heuristics and this merge driver tries to be deterministic.