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Reduce Class Complexity - Cognitive Complexity C#

How can I improve the Cognitive Complexity in my code?

I have a method which has while loop and inside that lot of IF ELSE blocks, I tried to remove IF ELSE with SWITCH Statements but no improvement with Cognitive Complexity as per SONAR cube analysis.

This is my existing code:

while (this.moveNextDelegate(fileLineEnumerator))
    var line = fileLineEnumerator.Current;
    var recordType = GetRecordType(line);  // This Method returns the type of record

    if (recordType == "1")
        fileHeader = line; // Here fileHeader is being used in downsteam code flow - line 19
        // some custom logic - deleted
    else if (recordType == "5")
        batchHeader = line; // Here batchHeader is being used in downsteam code flow - line 19
        isRepeativeRecord = false;
    else if (recordType == "6")
            batchHeaderId =     // some custom logic - deleted
             // Here batchHeaderId is being used in downsteam code flow - line 35 
            isFlag = false;
            isRepeativeRecord = true;
            // some custom logic - deleted
    else if (recordType == "7" && !isFlag)
        detailRecordsExist = true;
        // some custom logic - deleted

My new code using Switch statement - but still there is no improvement with complexity

    while (this.moveNextDelegate(fileLineEnumerator))
        var line = fileLineEnumerator.Current;
        var recordType = GetRecordType(line);

        switch (recordType)
            case "1":
                    fileHeader = line; 
                    // some custom logic - deleted

            case "2":
                    batchHeader = line;
                    isRepeativeRecord = false;

            case "6": 

                // some custom logic - deleted

            case "7": 
                    if (!isFlag)
                // some custom logic - deleted


            case "8": 
                    if (!isFlag)
                        // some custom logic - deleted




  • Switching from if/else to switch statement can be a good idea, don't discard that from final code, but will not reduce complexity because the "if/else/switch" statement still exists in the body with the others if statements.

    To avoid sonar complexity, write more simple methods, each with a single goal, it are better to test and have less logic to understand.

    Looking to your code, you can extract some methods, I did some refactor to reduce complexity, as you can see in the list bellow:

    1. extract while body code to a method
    2. extract "record type" body code to another methods
    3. you can still refactor to classes (with caution, can be a over engineering)
    private void Foo()
        FileEnumerator fileLineEnumerator = new FileEnumerator();
        while (this.moveNextDelegate(fileLineEnumerator))
            string line = fileLineEnumerator.Current;
    private void ReadNextLine(string line)
        var recordType = GetRecordType(line);
        if (recordType == "1")
        else if (recordType == "5")
        else if (recordType == "6")
        else if (recordType == "7" && !this.isFlag)
    private void ReadDetail()
        this.detailRecordsExist = true;
    private void ReadRepeativeRecord()
        this.batchHeaderId = this.detailId++;
        this.isFlag = false;
        this.isRepeativeRecord = true;
    private void ReadBatchHeader(string line)
        this.batchHeader = line;
        this.isRepeativeRecord = false;
    private void ReadHeader(string line)
        this.fileHeader = line;

    Looks like you are writing a reader, so if you have a lot of readers/steps like reading header, body, footer of file, with details and recursive content you can separate each fragment in a separate class like HeaderReader, BodyReader, DetailReader, but this can be a over engineering, so you will decide if worth it.

    public class ReadState
        public RecordType RecordType { get; set; }
        public string Line { get; set; }
    public class ReadResult
        public int HeaderId { get; set; }
    public class BodyReader : IYourCustomFileFragmentReaderInterface
        public bool Test(ReadState state)
            // check if is header
            return state.RecordType == RecordType.Body;
        public ReadResult Read(ReadResult result, ReadState state)
            // write state
            result.HeaderId = int.Parse(state.Line);
            return result;

    With separate readers you can group in a list of IYourCustomFileFragmentReaderInterface, call Test() and if true then call the Read method.