I am creating a framework and in the addSupport method I am trying to add a dependency on my jar library. But my current solution does not work :( A dependency does appear in the table, but it does not give access to classes, it is additionally highlighted in yellow in the library inspector.
WriteAction.run<RuntimeException> {
val myLib : VirtualFile = VirtualFileManager.getInstance()
val libraryTable = model.moduleLibraryTable
val library = libraryTable.createLibrary(myLib.name)
val libraryModel = library.modifiableModel
libraryModel.addRoot(myLib, OrderRootType.CLASSES)
How to correctly add a library dependency to a module?
I found a way to do this, you need to additionally indicate that the jar file system is used. Also no WriteAction wrapper needed.
val myLib : VirtualFile = VirtualFileManager.getInstance()
val libraryTable = model.moduleLibraryTable
val library = libraryTable.createLibrary(myLib.name)
val libraryModel = library.modifiableModel