I was testing my skills the other day. The ultimate goal is to replace all html tags with div
Goal: create a color picker like the one in photoshop
Requirements: use H5, JS, and CSS only (I also use ReactJS for building the structure)
Already achieved:
HTML structure:
let padding = props.size * 0.1;
<div className="color-picker">
<div className='color-picker-container' style={ { width: `${props.size + 2 * padding}px` } } onPointerMove={ onMove } onPointerDown={ onMove }>
<div className="color-picker-panel" style={ { width: `${props.size}px` } }/>
<div className="color-picker-indicator" style={ { left: pickerPos.left, top: pickerPos.top, borderColor: `rgb(${getInvertedColorChannel(ColorChannel.R, currentMaxColor)}, ${getInvertedColorChannel(ColorChannel.G, currentMaxColor)}, ${getInvertedColorChannel(ColorChannel.B, currentMaxColor)}` } }/>
feel free to ask for more details, thanks!
When you get the mouse down event in the div attach a mouseMove listener to <body>
and track it from there. On mouse up, remove the listener.