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react app published on github pages shows white screen

I have a React.js app, I built this simple meme generator app trying to learn web development (pretty new to the stuff) and am trying to host it using Github pages. I followed all the steps like installing the gh-pages with node and adding the url to the packages.json and adding the extra 2 lines of code for predeploy and deploy. I have the source for the github pages set to gh-pages. i get no errors when I run the command "npm run deploy" in terminal. But when I click the link I get a white screen. The console gives the error "Loading failed for the with source “”. which is the first js file in the build directory. I searched pretty heavily and found other people who had a similar white screen issue but none of the answers helped. I have triple checked against these answers. Based on the error I'm getting I think its a build error but I don't know how to fix it or figure out exactly what is going wrong.

The github repository is at and the link to the blank page that should be the hosted app is

when hosting locally through vs code with "npm start" command everything works fine.

Any help is appreciated I hope I'm not overlooking something silly but like I said I'm new to coding and still learning.


  • set the homepage in package.json to "https://<username><reponame>/" of course substituting things in <>