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Running TestContainer once for each Unit/Integration test in JUnit5 with Micronaut application

I am using a Test container with JUnit 5 in Micronaut application. I have many integration tests and I want to create and run the Test container once for each integration test.

**1st test on different file **

public class DiscountGetListenerTest extends TestContainerFixture {
    static IDiscountProducer iDiscountProducer;
    @DisplayName("Should return the discount based on the specified id")
    void shouldReturnTheDiscountBasedOnTheSpecifiedId() {

2nd test on different file

public class DiscountListenerTest extends TestContainerFixture {
    IDiscountProducer iDiscountProducer;

    @DisplayName("Should return discounts list")
    void shouldReturnDiscountsList() {
        var item = iDiscountProducer.Find(new DiscountCriteriaCommand(null)).blockingGet();
        assertTrue(item.size() == 0);

Test container fixture

public class TestContainerFixture {
    public GenericContainer mongoDBContainer = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("mongo:4.0.10"))
    public GenericContainer rabbitMQContainer = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("rabbitmq:3-management-alpine"))

When I run the application on each Integration test the container is created and started, however, I want to create once and start the container once

For example

enter image description here

On each test case the container is created and staring... How can I create and start the container once ??


  • Maybe you can try singleton container pattern explained in here:

    So for your code :

    public abstract class TestContainerFixture {
        public static final GenericContainer mongoDBContainer;
        public static final GenericContainer rabbitMQContainer;
        static {
           mongoDBContainer = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("mongo:4.0.10"))
           rabbitMQContainer = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("rabbitmq:3-management-alpine"))

    And when you extend this abstract class in your test, maybe that would work.