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How does Javascript's engine design affect user data structure implementations on worse case?

Take, for instance, a JS web engine that implements associative arrays (objects) by using hash tables. but as we know hash tables have worse case O(n) because collisions are inevitable.

Suppose I begin to develop a new data structure using Javascript, a data structure such as LinkedList that has worse case O(1) for insert/delete. But since I implement it with object/array. Then it must be true that my implementation is also at minimum worse case O(n) as well.

I'm aware that this engine optimizes very well, and a good hash function will generate O(1) on average. However, I just want to confirm my realization that this isn't all as straightforward as the textbook says so. or is it?

I suppose at the root of all data structures implements with an array, since the access is always O(1), then shouldn't all data structures be built with an array without intermediary structures? also, the dynamic array still has delete O(n) cant that be the same problem that can trickle down just like my earlier example?

is this where the benefit of using a low-level programming language is better than using a high-level language? Such that low level there isn't so much abstraction and the textbook complexity numbers can actually match?

apologize if my ideas are all over the place.


  • But since I implement [my custom data structure] with object/array. Then it must be true that my implementation is also at minimum worse case O(n) as well.

    No. Your linked list does not use an object with n keys anywhere. You'll have a

    const linkedListNode = {
       value: …,
       next: null,

    but even if this was implemented using a HashTable with O(n) worst-case member access, in your case n=2. There are not arbitrarily many properties in your object, just two. That's how you get back to O(1).

    Is this where the benefit of using a low level programming language is better than using high level language? Such that low level there isn't so much abstraction and the textbook complexity numbers can actually match?

    No. Even in a lower-level programming language, you can begin to question the underlying abstraction. You think in C, an indexed array access in memory is constant time? No, since page faults and other caching shenanigans come into play.

    This is why textbook complexity is always defined in terms of a machine model. As long as you define object property access in your JavaScript execution model as constant-time (and it's a very reasonable assumption to do that! It closely resembles the real world), your numbers do apply to JavaScript code as well. Sure, you can try unravelling abstractions and analyse your high-level algorithms in terms of the primitives of a lower level, but there's no point in doing that. It's precisely why we have these abstractions in the first place.