I have read property files before and I realize there are many links on the topic but I think my properties file is not getting packaged correctly due to plug-ins. My Eclipse project has a properties file in src/main/resources
called environment.properties
. I have tried reading it through a method, even trying to declare the method as both static and non-static at different times:
static Properties properties = new Properties();
public void getClassPathProperties() {
LOGGER.debug("getClassPathProperties Enter");
try (final InputStream input = Utils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("environment.properties")) {
LOGGER.debug("properties found:");
for (Object key : properties.keySet()) {
LOGGER.debug("" + ((String) key) + "=" + properties.getProperty((String) key));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to find environment.properties on classpath to Utils.class");
LOGGER.debug("getClassPathProperties Exit");
I tried the static declaration first but also tried non-static when a few posts mentioned it works until being declared as a static. I have also tried placing the environment.properties
file manually within the the JAR file in different places without success. From Eclipse the exception is:
14:33:52.676 [main] ERROR com.goprecise.ams.handlers.utils.Utils - Unable to find environment.properties on classpath to Utils.class
java.lang.NullPointerException: inStream parameter is null
at java.base/java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(Objects.java:246)
at java.base/java.util.Properties.load(Properties.java:403)
and from the Maven command line an NPE on Properties.load()
is reported (the LOGGER.error()
message is from the code shown). The pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
... header ...
... depeendencies
... many more dependencies
<!-- root module has no assembly so ignore it -->
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8</argLine>
<!-- No OSGi manifestEntries for <goal>jar</goal>: if it supported, then felix has already added them -->
I want the code in the JAR to find the properties at run-time: if the property file does not belong in src/main/resources
(the typical place) where does it belong? If a plug-in is interfering with this how can I configure the plugin to enable my reading properties (or would simply moving the file enable it to be read)?
It's the declaration:
<include>*.png</include> <!-- just this one isn't enough -->
If you (re-)declare the resources explicitely it's not cummulative with the defaults, i.e. the defaults are overriden. Have a look at your target/classes
and you will find just PNG images there.
See resources:[testR|r]esources:
Always uses the project.build.[testR|r]esources element to specify the resources to copy.
which means: Take all from these dirs by default but take nothing from these dirs if overridden (unless you include it when overriding).