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How to get the current user email address for Slack bot using Bolt for JavaScript(Node.JS)

For context, I'm using the Bolt for JavaScript framework to develop a Slack bot. I have a workspace where I'm the only member.

In the app home, I need to retrieve the current user's email address, but I'm not sure how to do that.

WebAPI methods for users for example, users.profile.get and users.identity, require a user token, I suppose I need to get the user token of the current user.

Any ideas on how to retrieve the user token from the backend? Suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Instead of a user token, I'd recommend using a bot token to call ( You will need to request the users:read and the scopes in order for the email to be returned in the API call. When you install your app on your Workspace your bot token will appear in the OAuth & Permissions page of your Developer Config site ( Your app should be listening for the app_home_opened event. When a user opens the App Home the user_id will be returned in the event payload. You can then use that user_id to call and get the user email.