I watched lots of videos, and I read lots of documentations, but I couldn't do this subject. Can you help me?
First of all, I have an react app on github, HERE:https://github.com/alper-efe-sahin/portfolio-v2 (It completed app)
I have 2 branch, first MASTER branch, and second GH-PAGES branch.
I created GH-PAGES using codes which are npm run build and npm run deploy. Also you can see my some package json codes here:
"gh-pages": "^3.2.3",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
"homepage": "https://github.com/alper-efe-sahin/portfolio-v2",
When I try to create github page, it shows my github page, note It's codes. (for instance, it shows react documents, not react codes, not html css etc.)
How can I show my codes like a good website ?
You have the wrong value set at the property homepage
in package.json
it should be https://alper-efe-sahin.github.io/portfolio-v2
Also add the script "predeploy": "npm run build"
alongside with deploy in scripts
so when you run npm run deploy
it also builds your app with npm first.
source: The guide I followed for my cra