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OSGi bundle's package structure

I've been thinking some about "good practice" regarding package structure within osgi bundles. Currently, on average, we have like 8-12 classes per bundle. One of my initiative/proposal has been to have two packages; (for api-related classes/interfaces (which is exported externally) and one package for implementation (not exported)). What are the pros cons of this? Any other suggestions?


  • You might also consider puting the interfaces in com.company_name.subsystem, and the implementation in com.company_name.subsystem.impl, the OSGI specific code, if there is any, could be in com.company_name.subsystem.osgi. Sometime you might have multiple implementation of the same interfaces. In this case you could consider - com.company_name.subsystem.impl1 and com.company_name.subsystem.impl2, for example:        // the scm api    // its git implementaton    // its subversion implementation   // the place to put an OSGI Activator

    In this sense package structure could be OSGi agnostic, if you later on move to a different container, you just put an additional     // or whatever component model you might think of

    Always having api and impl in your package name could be annoying. If in doubt use impl but not api.