I am trying to read chunks from a ReadStream using the following code creating BlobContent of a specified thresholdSize and then passing that to a function putBlock():
let blobContent = Buffer.from([])
let contentLength = 0
const thresholdSize = 100 * 1024
readStream.on('readable', function () {
let chunk
while (null !== (chunk = readStream.read())) {
Buffer.concat([blobContent, chunk], blobContent.length + chunk.length)
contentLength = contentLength + chunk.length
if (contentLength >= thresholdSize) {
putBlock(blobContent, contentLength)
contentLength = 0
blobContent = Buffer.from([])
I am not getting BlobContent as expected for this code. Can someone check what's the issue?
returns a new Buffer which is the result of concatenating all the Buffer instances in the list together.
So try blobContent = Buffer.concat([blobContent, chunk])