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How to access localStorage information with javascript and devtool

I'm logged into the page, I would like to know what javascript code I should run to access my email that is in local storage, I tried to run


but I get the error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: localStorage is not defined

But if I open devtools in the applications tab I see my email in localStorage, how can I access it with javascript?


  • Confirmed, as @Barmar suggested, they are renaming the localStorage object inside a closure and then deleting the global reference to it, for security reasons obviously.

    This is done in a script called /assets/89354aa0051558f7225a.js which is loaded near the end of the <head> section.

    var r;
    try {
      r = window.localStorage
    } catch (e) {}
    try {
      delete window.localStorage
    } catch (e) {}

    The solution is to inject a script at the top of the <head> (before any other scripts), to save a reference to the localStorage object to another name so that it can be used later. Since you didn't specify how you're using Selenium I can't give further advise on that, but there are proxies and other ways to get that done.

    Side note: I've written and used this function in the browser console to search the Discord source code.