I have a table that has a symbol column and a corresponding number for it. Let's say I want the cumulative sum of only specific symbols such as ABC and DEF in this case , How can I build a formula that only takes the cumulative sum of only ABC and DEF and other symbols that I would like to isolate for if necessary rather than the cumulative sum of all the symbols for a given date. An example of a table is below where the answer of the cumulative sum of only ABC and DEF is highlighted in the yellow cell for a specific date. I would also like the formula to be able to choose any specified date.
You can use FILTER
to get a list of qualifying vaues from your table, and SUM
=SUM(FILTER(NameOfTable[stat 1], <Criteria>))
The trick is to specify the filter criteria. You ask for a Date Range, and a list of qualifying Symbols.
Dates are easy
Qualifying a list of symbols is a bit harder. Using a new function BYROW
it can be done as (available only to insiders at time of writing)
The whole function:
=SUM(FILTER(NameOfTable[stat 1],
(BYROW(--(NameOfTable[Sym]=TRANSPOSE(FILTER(I:I,I:I<>""))), LAMBDA(array, SUM(array))))
An alternative, not using BYROWS
So the whole formula is
=SUM(FILTER(NameOfTable[stat 1],
Change NameOftable
to your actual table name