I have this code:
q = from p in Case, where: p.user_id == ^user_id:
|> Repo.preload(:helper)
with the view render function:
alias ChatWeb.HelperView
def render("api_case.json", %{case: case, message: message, token: token}) do
status: "1",
token: token.token,
items: case.items,
helpers: render_many(case.helper, HelperView, "helper.json"),
if I have helper
data, everything will be OK.
but if I don't have anything in helper
, I will get:
protocol Enumerable not implemented for #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded of type Ecto.Association.NotLoaded (a struct)
How can I resolve this?
It’s not quite clear what do you mean “if I don’t have anything in helper,” but the following would likely do:
def render("api_case.json", %{case: case, message: message, token: token}) do
helpers =
case case.helper do
%Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{} -> []
many -> render_many(many, HelperView, "helper.json")
%{status: "1", token: token.token, items: case.items, helpers: helpers}