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Save a list of shop Items and load it in unity

On the below script im trying to save the ShopItemList everytime I purchase a character that happens OnShopItemBtnClicked function. I am trying to save this with playerprefs but failed. Is there a better way. I heard json is a method we can achieve this. But i dont know what json or how to use this. Can someone help me how to save and load stuff with the current shop system I have. Please I broke my head so much thinking about it dint get an answer

Updated Code

public class ShopItem
    public Sprite CharacterImage;
    public GameObject charactersModel;
    public int Price;
    public bool isPurchased = false;

public class ShopDataList
    public ShopItem[] ShopItemData;

public class Shop : MonoBehaviour
    ShopDataList myShopDataList = new ShopDataList();
    //public List<ShopItem> ShopItemsList;

    [Header("Item Template & Display")]
    GameObject ItemTemplate;
    GameObject g;
    [SerializeField] Transform ShopScrollView;
    Button buyBtn;

    GameObject getGameManager;
    GameManager GameManagerRef;

    public void SaveMyData(ShopDataList data)
        string jsonString = JsonUtility.ToJson(data); // this will give you the json (i.e serialize the data)
        File.WriteAllText(Application.dataPath + "/ShopItems.json", jsonString); // this will write the json to the specified path

    public ShopDataList LoadMyData(string pathToDataFile)
        if (!File.Exists(pathToDataFile)) return null;

        string jsonString = File.ReadAllText(pathToDataFile); // read the json file from the file system
        ShopDataList myData = JsonUtility.FromJson<ShopDataList>(jsonString); // de-serialize the data to your myData object
        return myData;

    private void Start()
        LoadMyData(Application.dataPath + "/ShopItems.json");

    getGameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager");
        GameManagerRef = getGameManager.GetComponent<GameManager>();
        ItemTemplate = ShopScrollView.GetChild(0).gameObject;

        var length = myShopDataList.ShopItemData.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            g = Instantiate(ItemTemplate, ShopScrollView);
            g.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = myShopDataList.ShopItemData[i].CharacterImage; //ShopItemsList[i].CharacterImage; //
            g.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = myShopDataList.ShopItemData[i].Price.ToString(); //ShopItemsList[i].Price.ToString(); //**
            buyBtn = g.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent<Button>();
            if (myShopDataList.ShopItemData[i].isPurchased)
            buyBtn.AddEventListener(i, OnShopItemBtnClicked);

    public void DisableBuyButton()
        buyBtn.interactable = false;
        buyBtn.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "PURCHASED";


    void OnShopItemBtnClicked(int itemIndex)
        if (GameManagerRef.HasEnoughCoins(myShopDataList.ShopItemData[itemIndex].Price))
            //purchase Item
            myShopDataList.ShopItemData[itemIndex].isPurchased = true;
            buyBtn = ShopScrollView.GetChild(itemIndex).GetChild(2).GetComponent<Button>();
            Debug.Log("You dont have sufficient amount");


  • You need to call PlayerPrefs.Save() method to actually save the stuff you've changed in PlayerPrefs.

    But you are right, saving things in an external file is usually a better way to handle it. Json is just a text file with a specific syntax. To save some data to Json first you will have to create a class that will hold the data, like

    public class MyData
        public int level;
        public string charName;

    The "Serializable" attribute is important because we will need to "Serialize" this data. Unity have a simple json serializer you can use. Here is what you will have to do:

    public void SaveMyData(MyData data)
        string jsonString = JsonUtility.ToJson(data); // this will give you the json (i.e serialize the data)
        File.WriteAllText("Path/file/name.json", jsonString); // this will write the json to the specified path
    public MyData LoadMyData(string pathToDataFile)
        string jsonString = File.ReadAllText(pathToDataFile); // read the json file from the file system
        MyData myData = JsonUtility.FromJson<MyData>(jsonString); // de-serialize the data to your myData object
        return myData;

    this is what your json file will look like:

        "charName":"My awesome character"