I have a kubernetes cluster and an RDS configured in terraform, now i want to whitelist the node-IPs for the RDS. Is there a way to somehow access the node-pool instances from the cluster-config? What i basically want for the RDS config is something like
ip_configuration {
dynamic "authorized_networks" {
for_each = google_container_cluster.data_lake.network
iterator = node
content {
name = node.network.ip
value = node.network.ip
But from what i see there seems to be no way to get a list of the nodes/the-IPs.. I tried
ip_configuration {
authorized_networks {
value = google_container_cluster.my_cluster.cluster_ipv4_cidr
which resulted in Non-routable or private authorized network (, invalid
so it looks like this only works with public IPs. Or i have to setup a separate VPC for that?
i would suggest you to first set up the NAT gateway in front of the GKE so that you can manage your all outgoing traffic from a single egress point.
You can use this terraform to create & setup the NAT gateway : https://registry.terraform.io/modules/GoogleCloudPlatform/nat-gateway/google/latest/examples/gke-nat-gateway
Module source code : https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-google-nat-gateway/tree/v1.2.3/examples/gke-nat-gateway
Using NAT gateway your all Nodes traffic will be going out of single IP and you can whitelist this single IP
into the RDS
Since RDS is in AWS service, VPC peering is not possible otherwise if are using the GCP SQL that would also one option.