can someone please assist, I'm using restassured to pull and display results from this server, but cannot verify the emails of this user and display accurate data. Here is my code below:
public static void getPostComments() {
System.out.println("===============Comments By User==================");
given().when().get(url + "/posts/9/comments").then().log()
Response res = given().when().get(url + "/posts/9/comments");
List<String> jsonRes = res.jsonPath().getList("email");
if (jsonRes.equals("[email protected]")) {
given().queryParam("id", "9")
.body("email["+String.valueOf(0)+"]","[email protected]"))
The results I get from the above code, just returns all the users without validating. I'm fairly new to restassured, but would appreciate any pointers to validate these emails.
There are many ways to do that.
Example 1:
.body("email", hasItem("[email protected]"));
Example 2:
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItem;
List<String> emails = given()
assertThat(emails, hasItem("[email protected]"));