I have searched for hours on GitHub, StackOverflow and Google without success, so I think I'm stuck.
I get the source of a page located behind CloudFlare, using CefSharp, with this method :
public static string GetCefSource(string url)
Browser.Load(url); //An instance of ChromiumWebBrowser
Thread.Sleep(15000); //Debatable (it would be better to wait for the real content instead of waiting for "some random time until CloudFlare does its thing")
string source = Browser.GetSourceAsync().ConfigureAwait(true).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); //Don't ask me the purpose of ConfigureAwait, NetAnalyzers asks for it (I'll look into it)
return source;
It works 100% of the time (for now), but what if I use this method to get an image, in order to write it to the disk ?
With the method above, I get something like
which is perfectly normal. As you can see, it's the PNG image I'm waiting for, as a string, Unicode and so on, but not in the format I need.
I would like to manipulate the image before writing it to the disk, so I need the source as a byte array, in order to use it with
using MagickImage image = new(data)
So the question is :
How can I get a remote file as a byte array, like I do using HttpClient with
but with CefSharp, because of CloudFlare ?
Thanks !
Thanks to amaitland for his fast answer about DownloadUrlAsync().
I can now get any resource located behind CloudFlare, as a string or a byte[], with this :
public static object GetCefSource(string url, bool asByteArray = false)
Browser.Load(url); //An instance of ChromiumWebBrowser
Thread.Sleep(15000); //Wait for CloudFlare's Javascript to execute
object result = Browser.GetSourceAsync().ConfigureAwait(true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (asByteArray)
IFrame mainFrame = Browser.GetMainFrame();
result = mainFrame.DownloadUrlAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
return result;
I would probably rewrite it with an alternative to Thread.Sleep() and without the result boxed in an object.
Thanks !