I have a VS 2019 Community edition installed. And I just installed the latest (update) Version 16.10.4.
My project is a .NET Core 3.1 web application (Asp / MVC / C#).
For some time now (I think it's 3 or 4 Visual Studio updates ago (within general version 2019), but I'm not sure which one broke it) Edit and continue is not working. If I stop at a breakpoint while debugging and make even the slightest changes to the code I get an error:
Edits were made to the code which cannot be applied while debugging.
Click Stop to stop debugging.
Click Edit to make changes to the code
A simplified example: I have var counter = 1;
and I change it to var counter = 1 + 1;
while debugging and I get the the before-mentioned error.
I have checked/tried this - with no success: Github - Edit and continue
Also, the same problem here: MS Developer Community and the solution should be update to Version 16.10.4, but that doesn't really solve the issue.
Is there anything else I can try?
Based on the answer for the comment, the solution is that we can update the vs2019 version to 16.11.0.