Requirement - Activate cross column drag and drop using angular material without Prevent shifting/movement of the items in a cdkDropList.
Conditions - cdkDropList are created dynamically
Tried -
👉 Css translation -
.cdk-drop-list-receiving {
.drag-box {
transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) !important;
👉 Directive - cdkDropListSortingDisabled
👉 Dynamically adding inline css for transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) while dragging Result - Applied inline css is replaced by material inbuilt code of transform.
Example - (cdkDragMoved)="onDragMoved($event)"
cdkDragMove($event) {
const allDraggingElements: any = document.querySelectorAll('.cdk-drop-list-receiving .cdk-drag');
[...allDraggingElements].map(ele => = 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)!important');
👉 Implemented --- $event.source._dragRef.reset() on cdkDragEnded
👉 Problem video
In the above video when we drag and drop in same column it is working perfectly . But when we are trying cross column drag and drop I want to prevent card from shifting.
Code implemented for same column drag and drop -
Solution1: You can add a CSS rule to the .cdk-drag-placeholder class like this
.cdk-drag-placeholder {
Note: This will affect the list you are draggin it from too, so you might want to get more specific to the container you are dropping it into
Solution 2-
Try putting this on the source list item
<div *cdkDragPlaceholder style="height: 0px"></div>