I am trying to configure the STM32F411CEU6 onboard button (PA0), but cannot configure it to use the internal pull-down resistor. My current setup allows it to trigger an interrupt when using a pull-up resistor, but when I change it to a pull-down resistor it no longer works. I would appreciate if anyone could guide me on what I did wrong, and could clarify my understanding of the process. I am using the STM32 Standard Peripheral Library. I have put my GPIO initialization code below.
// enable clocks for the the KEY button (PA0) GPIO and
// the system configuration controller (SYSCFG) for GPIO interrupts
// initialize the GPIO pin, PA0, with an internal Pull-Down resistor
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Button_InitStructure = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0,
.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN,
.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_DOWN /* works with GPIO_PuPd_UP... */
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_Button_InitStructure);
/* ... Other interrupt enabling configuration stuff that is known to work here... */
The user push button on your black pill board is connected between PA0 and GND. It makes no sense to configure PA0 with pull-down configuration. In this case, pushing the button won't affect the state of the PA0 pin; it was logic 0 before the push and remain at logic 0 during and after the push. Obviously, the the hardware and software can't detect this push.
Unlike the older blue pill boards, the schematic of the black pill boards is harder to find on internet. I was able to find it on their official Github repo. However, connecting push buttons to GND and pulling-up uC pins to logic 1 using either internal or external pull-up resistors is a common practice, so I'm not surprised that black pill board follows the same tradition.